UAE 산업첨단기술부

The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MIAT) is a government body in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that was established in 2020 with the aim of promoting and developing the industrial sector in the country and advancing technology and innovation in key areas.

MIAT is responsible for setting policies and strategies that support the growth of industrial sectors, including manufacturing, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals, and for promoting the adoption of advanced technologies in these sectors. The ministry also oversees the development and implementation of programs and initiatives to support innovation, research and development, and entrepreneurship.

In addition, MIAT plays a key role in promoting sustainable development and the transition to a green economy, by encouraging the adoption of clean energy and promoting environmentally friendly practices in the industrial sector.

MIAT works closely with other government entities, private sector companies, and international organizations to achieve its objectives, and to position the 아랍에미리트 as a leader in the global industrial and technology sectors.

MoIAT (ESMA) Introduction

The Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) is the national standardization body of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It was established in 2001 with the aim of developing and promoting standards in the UAE and ensuring that they are in line with international standards.


ESMA works closely with government and non-government entities, as well as with international organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), to develop and harmonize standards and technical regulations. This helps to facilitate international trade and improve the quality and safety of products and services in the UAE.

The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) is a government ministry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that was established in July 2020. The ministry’s mandate is to promote the development of industry and advanced technology in the UAE, with the aim of supporting economic diversification and reducing reliance on oil and gas.

MoIAT is responsible for developing and implementing policies, programs, and initiatives that support the growth of the industrial and technological sectors in the UAE. This includes promoting research and development, innovation, and entrepreneurship, as well as supporting the development of a skilled workforce and the adoption of advanced technologies.

MoIAT works closely with other government entities, private sector companies, academic institutions, and research centers to promote collaboration and partnerships in the fields of industry and advanced technology. The ministry also works to attract foreign investment and foster international partnerships to support the development of these sectors in the UAE.

Overall, MoIAT’s mission is to drive the UAE’s transformation into a knowledge-based, innovation-driven economy that is able to compete globally and create sustainable economic growth and job opportunities for its citizens.

현재 위치

누가 두바이 지자체 에 제품을 등록할 수 있습니까?

 현지 제조업체
UAE 내에서 식품, 화장품 또는 기타 제품을 제조하는 회사는 제품을 등록해야 합니다. 두바이 지자체。当地制造商必须联系消费品安全部门,以确保其产品得到正确注册。建议公司代表确保其产品在进入阿联酋市场之前已获得适当的认证。

 제품 수입업체
해외 시장에서 제품을 제조하는 회사는 두바이 지자체 두바이 시장으로 수입하기 위해. 회사 대표는 화물이 UAE 두바이에 도착하기 전에 제품이 제대로 등록되었는지 확인해야 합니다.

두바이 지자체 에 식품을 어떻게 등록합니까?

먼저 회사를 설립하고 두바이 자치단체 포털에 등록해야 합니다. 일단 설정되면 고객은 서비스에 신청할 수 있습니다. 식료품 둘 다 겪어야 한다 라벨 평가 국내 시장에 수입하기 위한 등록.

두바이에 등록된 제품이 필요한 이유는 무엇입니까?

It is so important to get your products registered in Dubai. The primary reason is to ensure the safety of customers. Product registration helps put a stop to trading fake and harmful products in the UAE. All products have to be registered with the 두바이 지자체 제어. 당신이 당신의 등록된 제품 또는 프로세스를 통과하지 못하면 판매할 수 없습니다. 그렇기 때문에 UAE에서 회사를 설립한 후 제품을 등록하는 것이 중요합니다.

두바이 지자체 에서 식품 제품 승인을 받으려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?

식료품 등록 in UAE

  1. UAE에 기반을 둔 라이센스가 필요합니다.
  2. 에 회사 등록 DM Portal.
  3. 제품등록 신청서를 작성합니다.
  4. 신청서를 제출하고 결제하십시오.


Health supplements Item 등록 in UAE

  1. UAE에 기반을 둔 라이센스가 필요합니다.
  2. 에 회사 등록 DM Portal.
  3. 제품등록 신청서를 작성합니다.
  4. 신청서를 제출하고 결제하십시오.

식품 등록이란?

식품 품목 등록

通过 食物 产品注册后,公司可以在其他国家进口、制造、分销(在当地市场)和再出口产品。因此,它为贸易商和商人提供了完整的贸易设施。

What is the Benefit for Product Registration in UAE?

The main purpose of product registration in Dubai and UAE is to make sure the main user will be safe. 虽然这种强制注册对最终消费者有利, 企业注册产品还有很多优势。

두바이에서 식품 허가를 받으려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?

食物d 物品许可

注册 请求更改标签/包装许可证的食品实体必须是 FoodWatch 上的注册实体,并且获得许可的仓库必须位于迪拜. 食品必须在 FIRS 中注册。批准的食品标签评估。

迪拜市政府 에 제품을 등록하는 데 드는 비용은 얼마입니까?

迪拜市政府将收取 10 迪拉姆的申请费,一旦产品通过 得到正式认可的 您可以额外付费 220 迪拉姆下载批准证书

화장품 등록 요건은 무엇입니까?

所需文件 化妆品 迪拜的产品注册有:

  • 제품의 명확한 그림.
  • 명확한 제품 삽화.
  • 무료 판매 증명서.
  • 성분 보고서.
  • 분석 증명서.
  • GMP Certificate.

화장품 제품 등록을 완료하는 데 얼마나 걸립니까?

DM 제품 등록을 위한 필수 문서 및 정보 프로세스의 전체 목록을 받은 후 영업일 기준 약 22일이 소요됩니다. 化妆品 处理申请并取得注册证书。
产品注册的批准须经迪拜市当局批准。流程可能会发生变化,并且可能会出现延迟 DM 处理系统。 PPG 将随时向客户通报最新情况,以确保及时处理产品注册。


UAE 화장품 품목 등록

化妆品被认为是旨在与人体各个外部部分接触的任何物质或组合物。这包括表皮、毛发系统、指甲, 嘴唇和外生殖器官。这还包括牙齿和口腔粘膜,目的是完全或主要清洁它们, 给它们加香、改变它们的存在和/或纠正体味和/或保护它们或保持它们处于良好状态。

UAE에서 제품 승인을 받으려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?

为了让您的产品获得销售、进口或出口批准,您必须向当局提供产品信息。这包括提供每种产品的完整成分列表. You will also need to submit a product sample to the authorities for some items if required.


무료 판매 증명서

这项服务使客户能够获得免费销售证书,表明 产品在迪拜酋长国当地市场自由销售,并遵守 迪拜酋长国的健康和安全要求,该服务有资格获得 制造和贸易公司(保健品、化妆品、个人护理品 产品、香水、洗涤剂和杀菌剂)在阿联酋并为以下产品颁发 由迪拜市政府注册并仅在迪拜酋长国制造 迪拜。您之前通过 Montaji 注册的那些产品(CPRE) is available 列入此服务以获得这些产品的免费销售证书。这项服务是 由公共卫生与安全部提供。


무료 판매 증명서

数量没有限制 products 或您可以包含到应用程序中的变体。但是, 必须是同一集团、同一品牌。


좋은 제조 관행

良好生产规范 (GMP)是一个确保产品始终按照质量标准生产和控制的系统。

식품 안전에서 GMP란 무엇입니까?

좋은 제조 관행

良好生产规范* (GMP) 是生产安全所需的基本操作和环境条件 食物s。他们确保原料、产品和包装材料得到安全处理,并确保食品在合适的环境中加工。

GMP의 예는 무엇입니까?

좋은 제조 관행

流程是 GMP 的核心,包括对设备、设施、器具和库存区域进行消毒,以防止污染并达到所需的产品质量。一个例子是《良好生产规范》 食物 行业,特别是卫生流程,以确保所有消耗品的安全

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